
Ho’oponopono - the power of forgiveness 

Ho’oponopono - the power of forgiveness 

Ho’oponopono is an ancient Hawaiian practice of forgiveness and reconciliation. Itis like a mantra where you repeat the words ‘I’m sorry, please forgive me, thank you, I love you’ as a form of mental and spiritual cleansing. By doing this practice, the ancient Hawaiian people believed it would clear the mind and it is wrong thinking and doing which is the root of all evil. Similar to many other cultures around the world.

Reflections on Self-love

Reflections on Self-love

I recently posted this photo my good friend and favourite photographer Sanjin took, as my private Facebook profile pix, and got an interesting comment about it in my inbox: "You're glowing; you must have finally found someone who makes you happy." It was a well-meant comment by a friend, but it did make me think. Yes, I am happy. I feel great in my skin, my heart is content, I'm healthy. And I guess it's true. For over a year now, I've been in a beautiful, magical, supportive and loving relationship with - myself. That special someone is me. Finally. But, as far as romantic relationships go, I am more single than ever.