The following story is about a trip home I took during the pandemic, but it serves to illustrate a bigger subject - feeling safe in the world, especially as a woman. I promised to write it years ago and never got around to it. A student friend reminded me recently, and I felt today, on International Women’s Day, was the perfect time to reflect. Please note that I mention some statistics that some might find triggering. So, here it goes...
Yoga in a Divided World
Even though I stay well-informed about global events, including politics, and often discuss these topics in my personal life, I usually avoid bringing them into platforms I use for work, including social media, or blog posts, unless I feel it’s important. A conversation with a new friend, a fellow yogi and self-described “refugee from the US” reminded me that this is one of those times, and inspired me to share some thoughts. She expressed heartbreak over what she sees as the slow erosion of democracy and equality in her country and how many in the yoga community contributed to it. “That’s what hurts the most,” she said. I have to say I agree and am worried about the future.
Sacred Earth
Today's Earth Day falls on a New Moon day, and new moons symbolise a chance for a new beginning, a fresh new start, a much-needed change. It’s almost as if the Universe is telling us it’s never too late or too early to change our ways and start anew. Just as Mama Nature does. Everything in Nature is cyclic; a constant rhythm of death and rebirth, a constant pattern of change.
Women for Women - The fight is far from over
A Karma yoga story
A stray dog followed us a few days ago as we walked home from the beach. She seemed scared but decided to trust us and follow us home. We fed her and let her take shelter to rest and sleep on our terrace. She was restless at first and would startle at every louder sound, but after a while, she relaxed.
And justice for all
I am sitting at an airport lounge waiting for my flight back to Europe, contemplating the last couple of days. After my psychotherapy training and completion ceremony in Mendocino, I decided to stay in San Francisco for a few days and revisit the city I loved and knew quite well, as I spent a month here in 2005.
Five steps to a brighter tomorrow
Even though we shouldn't dwell in the past but always face forward, I believe reflecting on what was is important. History is a great teacher; it provides information and insight so we can easier put the pieces of the puzzle together, and even though the future is still unknown, we can use the lessons learned yesterday to create a brighter tomorrow.
Be more mindful this Earth Day (and every day)
Today and this weekend, we celebrate Earth day (April 22-24). Of course, we should be celebrating the wonder and beauty of our home every day, but this weekend we are reminded to do so even more. We should all spend a day or an entire weekend somewhere in nature, reconnecting to Mother Earth, teaching our children the importance of being in nature, of loving and preserving our home.