Mind over matter, freedom over fear

Mind over matter, freedom over fear

At the beginning of January this year, I drove from Portugal to Croatia so I can leave Seeta the Pooch at my mum's while I'm in Sri Lanka conducting a teacher training. I planned to drive back at the end of March, stop in Tuscany for a few days, or Provence perhaps. Definitely see San Sebastian this time. I have done this, 3000 km long trip four times already, always with someone and always as a fun road-trip adventure, taking our time, visiting different places en-route, so I always looked forward to the trip. But then came coronavirus and changed all my plans for return as well as the world as we know it.

Sacred Earth

Sacred Earth

Today's Earth Day falls on a New Moon day, and new moons symbolise a chance for a new beginning, a fresh new start, a much-needed change. It’s almost as if the Universe is telling us it’s never too late or too early to change our ways and start anew. Just as Mama Nature does. Everything in Nature is cyclic; a constant rhythm of death and rebirth, a constant pattern of change. 

How to stay grounded in turbulent times

How to stay grounded in turbulent times

When something shocking and traumatic happens, like an earthquake, or the global pandemic, our body/mind reacts with traumatic stress, which is normal. But, in order for us not to remain in the stressful state and develop chronic (traumatic) stress there are things we can observe and steps we can take in order to move through the crisis with mindfulness and awareness.

How to pick a Yoga Teacher Training course that's right for you

How to pick a Yoga Teacher Training course that's right for you

I wanted to write a blog about this for a long time now, but being a teacher trainer myself, I was always worried that some of my peers might take some things they don't agree with, personally. This is not my intention at all of course, and everything I will write here is just my opinion, nothing else. Some is based on my beliefs and some on my experience. But, as a yoga teacher, I feel my responsibility lies in serving the community, and that is my intention with this post. I hope it serves and helps some of you reading it.

All vibes welcome

All vibes welcome

Nobody on this planet is always happy and in a good mood. We are all human beings with a rather large span of emotions. We can be happy, sad, angry, joyful, optimistic, pessimistic, jealous, positive, negative… This is what makes us human. Also, it is those 'bad' emotions; feeling of discomfort, anger, sadness, anxiety etc. which are trying to tell us something, and if we tune in, see and listen instead of ignore or fix, we might be one step closer to healing and integration.

Living from the essence

Living from the essence

I have been in quiet contemplation a lot lately. Nothing bad is happening, quite the opposite, I'm blessed in many ways, but I guess these ponderings come with all the changes I've been going through lately; closing my studio, moving to Portugal, letting go of some projects, and planning new ones. In all the movement, it's not easy to find stillness, and stillness is medicine for my busy, anxiety-prone body/mind. But, looking back, I am slowing down, and it feels good to have more time and space for me. Finally.

Ho’oponopono - the power of forgiveness 

Ho’oponopono - the power of forgiveness 

Ho’oponopono is an ancient Hawaiian practice of forgiveness and reconciliation. Itis like a mantra where you repeat the words ‘I’m sorry, please forgive me, thank you, I love you’ as a form of mental and spiritual cleansing. By doing this practice, the ancient Hawaiian people believed it would clear the mind and it is wrong thinking and doing which is the root of all evil. Similar to many other cultures around the world.

Hello Bertolotti

Hello Bertolotti

As a birthday present this year, I gave myself a full physical check-up, and as a part of it, I went for an MRI of my spine yesterday. This was something I wanted to do for a while, as I knew something was going on in my lumbosacral and my neck, but never got around to it and honestly, the idea of being trapped in that machine for almost an hour scared me. But, after the dull and sometimes piercing pain in my lower back started to be more frequent, I decided it's time and, regardless of the discomfort and a small anxiety attack I had in that machine (I almost walked out due to restraints and small space), I am happy I did it as now I have answers to so many questions. Answers only those scans can give.

Reflections on Self-love

Reflections on Self-love

I recently posted this photo my good friend and favourite photographer Sanjin took, as my private Facebook profile pix, and got an interesting comment about it in my inbox: "You're glowing; you must have finally found someone who makes you happy." It was a well-meant comment by a friend, but it did make me think. Yes, I am happy. I feel great in my skin, my heart is content, I'm healthy. And I guess it's true. For over a year now, I've been in a beautiful, magical, supportive and loving relationship with - myself. That special someone is me. Finally. But, as far as romantic relationships go, I am more single than ever.

Metta Meditation - cultivating loving kindness

Metta Meditation - cultivating loving kindness

In ancient times people learned by experiencing and doing; much of the knowledge came from observing self and nature, allowing to be guided by intuition and faith, and often simply trying things out, embracing what works, and discarding what doesn't. Today, we have science proving what those luminaries knew all along - meditation is a gateway to peace and higher states of consciousness. 

Lessons of Water – The Yoga of Surrender

Lessons of Water – The Yoga of Surrender

Water is patient and always finds her way through the smallest cracks. It doesn’t anticipate or plan; it sees and flows through the opening. It doesn’t question; it trusts and follows. It teaches us that everything is intertwined, interconnected and co-dependent. There is nothing we can control but ourselves, how well we can adapt to external and internal circumstances and how much faith to find small openings and keep on flowing, trusting that life will show us the way, and how fearless we are in following our path non knowing where it may lead us.

Nature is the greatest teacher

Nature is the greatest teacher

Everything that exists is an intricate part of the whole; all life is intertwined. This unifying principle can be observed everywhere we look. It’s raining outside as I’m writing this - the rain came from the vapour lifted from the Earth by the air after the sun has warmed Earth’s rivers, seas and oceans. The rain brings water back to the Earth to nourish the plants and help seeds grow—seeds which were planted into the Earth with the help of gravity, wind, water or animals. Animals feed on the plants nourishing themselves and fertilising the Earth with what remains. Animals and humans breathe in oxygen provided by plants while giving back carbon dioxide plants need to live, thus creating yet another cycle. Everything has its role; everything has its place, and everything is in perfect balance